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I'm Vidarshan.
A Software Engineer.

About Me

Vidarshan Adithya Rathnayake
Software Engineer
Computing Graduate
I'm a Software Engineer who likes to see things being built one line of code at a time. Well organised and prefers to have incremental self-development based on the knowledge gained.

I have nearly 3 years of industry experience, and I am gaining more knowledge day-by-day, as I am a quick learner who likes to implement and make use of the knowledge gained, in order to create great things.

I'm currently working with javascript and typescript based frameworks such as React, React Native, Node JS, Express JS and much more.

My goal is to create high quality software products written with quality code and based on unique ideas, which will have a positive impact and make positive changes in the day-to-day lives of people.

I'm also working towards my target of becoming a great software engineer among the best software engineers."
- Vidarshan
React JS
React Native
Next JS
Node JS
Express JS
Other Tools
Mongo DB
Redux Toolkit
Material Design
Semantic UI
Tailwind CSS
Ant Design
Version Control
Styled Components

Work Experience

Intern Software Engineer
Excalibur Systems, Sri Lanka
Contributed as a full stack developer to the team.
  • Contributed to existing web applications based on React JS, to extend and improve their functionality.
  • Designed user Interfaces and implemented the designs with code.
  • Built completely new web applications for small-mid scale businesses.
  • Gained knowledge on deploying applications to the web.
React JS
Node JS
Express JS
September 2020 — April 2021
Trainee Software Engineer
Beta Launch, Sri Lanka
Contributed as a full stack developer to the team.
  • Revamped web applications with old user interfaces to modern and updated user interfaces.
  • Implemented and validated new functionalities on frontend in React JS based web applications.
  • Modified and improved backend REST API's functialities.
  • Modified relational database's structures to cater new functionalities.
React JS
Semantic Ui
Node JS
Express JS
April 2021 — September 2021
Associate Software Engineer
Beta Launch, Sri Lanka
Contributed as a full stack developer to the team.
  • Gained knowledge and implemented end-to-end testing for web applications.
  • Implemented and validated new functionalities on frontend in React JS based web applications.
  • Modified and improved backend REST API's functialities.
  • Modified relational database's structures to cater new functionalities.
React JS
Node JS
Express JS
September 2021 — March 2022
Associate Software Engineer
Dev4s, Sri Lanka
Contributed as a full stack developer to the team.
  • Designed user interfaces with Figma and implemented those with code.
  • Implemented new functionalities per client requirements both in the frontend and the backend.
  • Worked with 3rd party APIs such as Google API to fetch necessary information for web applications.
React JS
Node JS
Express JS
March 2022 — April 2022
Software Engineer
Building a low-code mobile application develpment platform, which allows users to create mobile applications with ease. Contributing as a frontend engineer to the team.
  • Implementing extensive Javascript/ Typescript based functionalities to design and develop mobile apps from a content managing system.
  • Gaining experience in developing and maintaining custom user interface libraries and React JS library projects.
  • Implementing utility functionalities for React JS applications; drag-and-drop functions, etc...
  • Working with React based tools such as Redux Toolkit and Styled components, in order to maintain resusable and well refactored code.
  • Implementing new functionalities and modifying existing functionalities of the platform with best-performace mindset.
React JS
React Native
May 2022 — Present


project image
An e-commerce website, ideal for a tech gadget store. The minimalist user interface allows users to navigate within the application easily. Only the relevant information is shown, which makes the user interface even better. Includes the most needed features for an ecommerce website, such as search filters, shopping cart and an integrated mock payment gateway with Paypal.
React JS
Node JS
Express JS
Mongo DB
project image
Meal Central
A mobile application, built with cross platform mobile development tools. Suitable for a small-mid local restaurant which needs to maintain a separate mobile application for their business operations. Consists of functionalities such as maintaining meal categories, customization of meals, maintaining meals in a cart, ordering meals and keeping track of deliveries.
React Native
Redux ToolKit
project image
Open Weather
Find the weather around you with this application powered by the Open Weather API. Uses a Geolocation API to find the weather according to your desired location or allows you to get the weather around your current location. Excellent presentation of weather divided into current weather, hourly forecast and daily forecast categories.
React JS
Open Weather API
Geocoding API
project image
Github Search
A simple application made with the use of Github REST API, which will allow the users to search for a github user, view their own repos and starred repos. Additionally, the users are able to see the profile information on the selected user very easily.
React JS
Github API
project image
Great Success
Great quotes to get you inspired and moving through the day, a simple yet, inspiring project. Deployed to Vercel.
React JS
project image
A mock website to find hotels in california. The users can view hotels, the rates of the hotels, images of the hotels, the facilities in the hotels and the ratings given to the hotels. Almost a static website made for convenience of the travellers.
Next JS
Tailwind CSS
project image
Carmax ERP
An Enterprise Resource Planning application for a car service center, which is used to manage their day-to-day workflow, such as managing service operations, maintaining employee records, inventory control and tracking cash inflows and outflows.
React JS
Node JS
Express JS
project image
Portfolio V1
The very first version of my portfolio website made with no UI frameworks. Served the primary purpose of showing my information. Almost every element was implemented with SCSS. Deprecated in favour of the portfolio website you are currently viewing, as this has much better performance and responsiveness.
React JS


Hasith Jayasekara
Senior Software Engineer
Vidarshan is a highly motivated, creative and goal oriented software engineer with a driven mindset. He writes clean code that gets the job done with minimal supervision. In many different software projects I observed his willingness to experiment and learn new tools and techniques to adapt. He is an invaluable developer to any team looking for success.
Beta Launch
Former Employer
Vidarshan is highly technically competent and is proficient in use of Javascript, React JS, Express JS, Node JS, MySQL, Cypress and SCSS. We observed him to be an honest and conscientious employee. He carried out his duties to provide the maximum output across all projects he was assigned to. We are sure that he will be an excellent addition to any organization he opts to work in.

Reach Out

Feel free to drop a message if you have an interesting opportunity for me.
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